Understanding the Typical Lifespan of a Garage Door

Lack of proper maintenance can shorten a garage door's expected life.

Although a garage door is strong and sturdy enough to add a layer of security to the items within, they only last for a specific period. With continued use, it will undergo wear and tear and may be unreliable regarding safety and security.

This guide explores what a garage door's lifespan entails.

The expected lifespan of a garage door

A new garage door that receives routine maintenance can last 15 to 30 years. But, different factors influence how long a garage door will remain working properly:

  • Number of daily open and close cycles: Most garage doors use spring systems to open and close. Typically, each spring type can withstand many open and close cycles. For instance, tension springs can handle 5,000 to 10,000 cycles, and standard springs can handle 20,000 cycles. The more a homeowner opens and closes the garage door daily, the shorter the door's lifespan.

  • The garage door's material: This determines a garage door's resistance to the elements and usage impact. For instance, materials such as steel, vinyl, and fiberglass can last for 20 to 30 years, while wood and aluminum last for 15 to 20 years.

  • The weather: Garage doors get direct exposure to the external environment, and the effects of the weather over time can weaken the door and reduce its lifespan. For example, in areas that experience frequent thawing and freezing, the garage door will repeatedly expand and contract and develop cracks.

Prolong the garage door's lifespan

Lack of proper maintenance can shorten a garage door's expected life. Therefore, a homeowner should do routine maintenance to keep the door working properly. This also helps to minimize repairs that might prove costly. Here are some ways a homeowner can extend the garage door's lifespan:

  • Only open the garage door when necessary: As mentioned, the garage door springs will wear sooner when the door is opened and closed. Opening the garage only when necessary helps extend its spring cycles.

  • Lubricate the moving components every three months: Without lubrication, the door's moving parts, such as rollers, springs, hinges, and tracks, will become stiff and develop friction that can cause damage.

  • Don't use the garage door when broken: Whenever a garage door gets damaged, a homeowner should contact repair services immediately. Using the garage door in this condition can escalate the damage and result in costly repairs.

Know when to replace the garage door

When a garage door is over 15 years old and constantly requires costly repairs, a homeowner should consider replacing it. However, before doing so, they should consult a professional for advice.

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