Maintaining a Screw-Drive Garage Door Opener

Check the garage door springs and hardware for perfect garage door opener maintenance.

Garage door openers have multiple moving parts and are expected to provide years of hassle-free service during their lifetime. However rugged they are, timely maintenance and periodical care help to increase the garage door's functionality.

Fortunately, maintaining the garage door opener is easy and needs to be performed only twice a year. Following are a few steps homeowners can take between routine service calls to increase the lifespan of the garage door opener.

Remember, it's best to let professionals replace garage door components. Without the proper knowledge, homeowners can sustain significant injury.

Door springs and hardware

Check the garage door springs and hardware for perfect garage door opener maintenance. Lubricating the garage door rollers, bearings, and hinges keeps them working well.

Again, when lubricating the garage door opener parts, contact the professional garage door repair technician for repairs if there is any damage.

Garage door balance

The garage door must be balanced correctly for a screw-drive garage door opener to operate flawlessly. To check the garage door's balance, release the carriage from its rail assembly and pull the emergency release knob. Raise the garage door manually. If the garage door is well-balanced, the door will stay in position.

Contact reverse

When inspecting the screw-drive garage door opener, check the contact reverse, a safety feature designed to prevent crushing injuries. Place something between the sensors at the door's bottom, then close the garage door with an opener remote or a wall switch. The garage door should automatically stop and reverse the motion when it contacts the obstruction.

Homeowners may understand the need for maintenance but feel uncomfortable performing these tasks themselves. For complete convenience, it is always advisable to avail the assistance of trained and knowledgeable professionals. Only specialists thoroughly understand all the garage door components and have access to the latest garage door devices.


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