Is an Insulated Garage Door Worthwhile?

Most homeowners suggest that an insulated garage door pays for itself quickly.

Since garages have various purposes other than parking vehicles, there is an increasing need to ensure they are better protected. However, when it is time for a garage door replacement, the choice may seem overwhelming due to their availability in so many different styles, colors, and designs. In addition, many homeowners are now considering insulated doors for increased comfort and energy efficiency.

Insulated garage doors are costlier than standard doors. People often wonder if they are actually worth the investment. Most homeowners suggest that an insulated garage door pays for itself quickly. Here are a few reasons that make insulated garage doors worth buying:

More energy efficient

The garage's temperature can affect the overall home temperature. The garage is one of the areas where the home loses the most heated or cooled air due to gaps and holes in uninsulated doors. As a result, the heating and cooling system must work harder to regulate the home temperature. Insulated garage doors are best at keeping the heat out of the home in summer and inside during winter. They lower the energy required to heat or cool the house and save money on energy bills.

Maintains consistent temperatures

Standard garage doors are thin and fail to restrict the effect of outside weather. Another reason that makes an insulated garage door worthwhile is that it prevents outdoor weather from affecting the garage space and helps maintain stable temperatures. In addition, the multiple layers of insulation offer significant protection from external elements.  

Make garages usable year-round

Installing an insulated garage door is the best way to raise the garage's comfort level and increase its usability. Whether storing valuables or other household belongings or using the space as a workshop, entertainment room, man cave, or home office, an insulated door will make the garage more comfortable to use, regardless of the season. In addition, it protects the cars and other items against heat and moisture issues and keeps pesky pests at bay. 

Blocks unwanted sound and operates quietly

Insulated garage doors are valuable as they cut down on the sound of barking dogs, playing children, vehicles, and other disturbing noises. By preventing unwanted outdoor sounds from penetrating indoors, insulated garage doors keep the indoors quieter and more peaceful. Also, it is common for a non-insulated garage door to shake or vibrate while operating. Insulated garage doors open and close quietly as the insulation absorbs any sound produced by the door.

More durable 

An insulated garage door boasts more durability than its non-insulated counterparts. The extra layers of insulating materials make it sturdier and allow them to stand well up to dings and dents. As a result, insulated garage doors last longer, are less likely to get damaged or demand frequent repairs, and have lower maintenance requirements.

Adds to the home value

A new insulated garage door will add to the home's aesthetics and raise its value. With their host of benefits, the stunning and durable insulated garage doors attract potential buyers if a home sale is imminent.

Upgrade the garage door

An insulated garage door is worthwhile if the garage is attached to the home, used as a living space, or has a room above it. Call a local garage door service to upgrade to an insulated garage door.

Call Quick Response Garage Door Service - We are your Arizona garage door service specialists.
Greater Phoenix Area (602) 825-2925


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