Changing Seasons: A Fall Garage Checklist

As the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to dip, it is the perfect time to prepare the garage for the change of season, from summer to fall. The moderate fall weather is ideal to ensure the garage is in top condition and ready to take on the upcoming cold weather.

The moderate fall weather is ideal to ensure the garage is in top condition and ready to take on the upcoming cold weather.

Organizing the garage space proactively and getting it in order during fall eliminates the need to deal with the storage and other garage issues when the cold weather strikes. In addition, ensuring proper garage functionality and space optimization will protect the car and other belongings protected from cold weather damage. Here is a fall garage checklist to ensure it is ready for the cold months ahead:


In most households, garages become a place to store all random items that eventually make the space look cluttered. The goal of preparing the garage for fall is to free up precious floor space. First, sort everything stored in the garage based on categories and eliminate unwanted and worn-out items. Then, make separate piles based on whether you want to donate or discard them.


Reorganizing the garage during fall will ensure there is ample space to park the car and everything is in perfect order and easily accessible. The cold winter temperature can make this task more challenging. It presents the perfect opportunity for winterizing the summer toys, gardening tools, and gear and storing them safely while placing leaf blowers, rakes, snow blowers, shovels, holiday decorations, sand, and salt within reach for easy access. It will make the garage appear more organized and functional. 


Garages see a lot of foot traffic during spring and summer. Clean the garage floor before the weather turns colder. Sweep the dirt and dust off the garage floor and spray it using a hose. Once the garage floor is clean, inspect it for cracks and other damages. Any cracks wider than 1/8-inch need attention. While minor cracks are easy to repair using DIY solutions, call in a professional to fix larger cracks or apply durable garage floor coatings to seal the floor.


Fall is the perfect time to consider insulating the garage door and walls. It will help regulate the garage temperature and lower the heating bills during fall and winter. Next, reduce drafts by weatherstripping around windows, garage doors, vents, and other areas. Check the existing weatherstripping and replace it if it is old and worn out. It will keep the garage environment more comfortable by keeping the cold out and the heat inside. Finally, seal all cracks, holes, and gaps with caulk to protect the garage from pests and elements.


The most important task on the fall garage checklist is checking the garage door and opener for proper functioning. Remove any dirt and debris from the door, rollers, and track, lubricate the moving parts, ensure the door can open and close correctly, and check the remote and wall switch for proper functioning. Experts recommend getting the garage door inspected and maintained by professionals before the winter to avoid significant issues. 

Don't hesitate to contact a professional garage door service company to assist in getting the garage ready for the change in season.

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